The Big Black Dune - Playa de La Arena from Playa Quemada (Video)

Looking for the hidden treasures of Lanzarote? Our newest video, "The Big Black Dune," transports you to the pristine shores of Playa de La Arena. Nestled amidst the rugged landscape, this intact black beach showcases nature's dramatic contrasts, from its colossal dune to its basalt cliffs. From the quaint fishing village of Playa Quemada to the underwater wonders that lie beneath gentle waves. A beautiful beach and an easy hike for all ages.


Valentina and Daniele

8/26/20232 min read

The Big Black Dune

Short hike and freediving fun to Playa de La Arena and its colossal black dune from Playa Quemada.

Disclaimer: Outdoor activities you see in our videos inherently come with dangers. Remember, we're trained athletes, and there’s a ton of experience behind each action you see. Though most of our videos show easy activities, not everything is beginner-friendly as it may seem. We strongly advise against replicating any actions seen in our videos without the appropriate training, experience, and equipment. If you decide to try anything based on our videos, it's all on you and at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any incidents or injuries that may occur. Parents, always gauge what's right for your kids based on your own and your children’s capabilites.
Safety first, always respect and keep a healthy fear of the outdoors, and have an amazing time out there!

This time, we uncover one of Lanzarote's best wild beaches: the enthralling Playa de la Arena, often referred to as "las Arenas." Situated in the south-east of the island, at the upper end of the Monumento Natural de los Ajaches, this black beach is largely unexplored by the typical tourist crowd. The untouched beauty of the place is in every grain of its dark sands and the gentle lapping of its crystalline waves.

Getting there

Setting off from the charming fishing village of Playa Quemada – which offers easy parking and seafood delights – we can start a brief yet scenic 10-minute trek. As you walk, the aroma of the sea mingles with the earthy scent of the island, teasing senses and heightening anticipation. The path branches into two easy, yet adventurous routes:

1️⃣ The rugged outcrop, offering a stroll on the black rocks during low tide and a slightly challenging, surely fun, climb when the tide rises.

2️⃣ A cliff-hugging trail that rewards with sweeping vistas, culminating in a graceful descent to the sandy shores.

The beach

The centerpiece of this beach is its colossal black dune, set against the backdrop of stark basalt cliffs and the expanse of the deep blue ocean. Climbing this dune and running down it into the ocean is an exhilarating experience, but a word to the wise: the sand can get scorching!

One of the best things about this untouched beauty is that you may easily have it all for yourself. As we shot the video, it was an August Saturday, and yet you can see how few people were there!

Also, you will find an old military pillbox that you can explore and offers a unique frame on the ocean from its embrasures.

If you want to surrender to the call of the sea (and you should), Playa de la Arena offers pristine, calm waters and rich sea-life. Beneath its surface lies a world of marine biodiversity, teeming with darting schools of fish of every color, bizarre formations and lush vegetation -- while giant red crabs look at you curiously from the rocks and hidden coves. It's a freediver's and snorkeler's dream.

Exploring farther

The trail proceeds toward other beaches down the cliffs, getting to Playa del Paso (not to be mistaken from the Playa del Paso along the Ruta del Litoral, on the opposite side of the island in Timanfaya National Park) two ancient fortifications (Tower of Joy and Flecha de los Ajaches) and then into a network of trails exploring the Monumento Natural de los Ajaches, several small beaches, canyons and secret coves, like Playa de la Fuentecita, only reachable on foot or boat, until getting to the Papagayo beaches at the south tip of the island -- this will be matter for a dedicated hike and a future video!